Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas in Dixie....(sing it with me now!)

For a bit of holiday humor, B-man and I decided last year to attend the Neck Parade down in, well, The Neck. Alas, it was much, MUCH more entertaining than we had ever hoped and so this year we decided to not only attend said "parade" but also to try and be in it. Yes, that's right, be IN it. Brandon has a type of vehicle that would fit right on in should we put a few lights on it here and there and drape around some tinsel. My brother also has a recently fabricated "vehicle" that he wanted to put in as well. So we made that our goal.... for next year. This year our schedules got a little too hairy and so, disappointingly, we didn't get to actually ride down the strip that is The Neck, but we attended nonetheless. We were NOT disappointed with who/what we saw.
I scored some sweet homemade pork skins too!
Fun times were had by all- even my 8-month-pregnant cousin who went with us! Nothing can stop her from some holiday fun!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Tis the Season!

So, apparently I've gotten carried away.... and then WAY behind on this blog! Note to self: I'd love a new blog look! One that is MUCH more picture friendly, and perhaps, PLAIN! I lika da' white space! Any suggestions on where to find such a domain... or a layout?

Now- to the point of today, yesterday, the rest of this week, and for that matter, all this month: MERRY CHRISTMAS! I'd love to post and update on all the goings on this month, including our very first showers!

Earlier this month my very-much-with-child matron of honor and a few of my awesome bridesmaids threw me a DIY shower to get started on all those favors and decorations I'm dreaming of making myself. And several other FABULOUS souls threw us a Christmas party/ cocktail-tease shower! It was an incredibly fun set of inaugural wedding events!

As soon as I get over my lethargy from cookie-induced comas and return from my fat-cation, I will post some Christmas pics from our festivities. Until then... enjoy the rest of your weekend! God bless us! Everyone!

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