Summertime ain't summertime unless I've read my annual Nicholas Sparks. Not that he's my all time fav. author, but his are the epitome of a good beach read. Now, I won't be found at the beach this week, but I can be found rollin' (whoo!) rollin' (whoo!) rollin' on the river! come the weekend! Here's the one I've chosen:

Nothing says summer like a sky full of stars, a tall pine, and the glowing lights of a ferris wheel! Of course, we all assume this is the ferris wheel from the Family Kingdom (or the Pavillion, may it rest in peace) in Myrtle Beach! At any rate- I'm free to read whatever I please this week- and nobody will ask me to analyze it in a 4-6 page paper with cited resources! Yay!
This cover also alludes to an idea or ten I've had floating around in my head for weeks now, so I'm very excited to see how the it all comes together... Maybe I'll get some good ideas from the story!
Ahhhhh, I love the taste of freedom....
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