Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Red, White & Bunting!


Oh, summertime! How I crave thee and your hot, sweaty Patriotism...
Being ecstatic that I had (past tense now, unfortunately) no class for a week and that I enjoyed some vacation time in honor of the 4th of July, I choose now to highlight some of the very best of all things summer!

In no particular order, the following are a few of my favorite bits and baubles of the past few days:
OPI "A Oui Bit of Red" nail polish
Hebrew National JUMBO beef franks- my favorite!

Fireworks over Winyah Bay in Georgetown, SC

Homemade blueberry ice cream!!!

& last but not least...
a lazy hammock and a beautiful day at the beach.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Freedom (freedom), freedom (freedom), yeah freedom!

Sing it with me now! I'm free for a week! Got no classes, got no homework, got one more day of work and then I'm out de doh!

Summertime ain't summertime unless I've read my annual Nicholas Sparks. Not that he's my all time fav. author, but his are the epitome of a good beach read. Now, I won't be found at the beach this week, but I can be found rollin' (whoo!) rollin' (whoo!) rollin' on the river! come the weekend! Here's the one I've chosen:

Nothing says summer like a sky full of stars, a tall pine, and the glowing lights of a ferris wheel! Of course, we all assume this is the ferris wheel from the Family Kingdom (or the Pavillion, may it rest in peace) in Myrtle Beach! At any rate- I'm free to read whatever I please this week- and nobody will ask me to analyze it in a 4-6 page paper with cited resources! Yay!

This cover also alludes to an idea or ten I've had floating around in my head for weeks now, so I'm very excited to see how the it all comes together... Maybe I'll get some good ideas from the story!

Ahhhhh, I love the taste of freedom....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Oh- those summer nights!

Of course I posted all about graduating recently and having my masters. The rest of the story is that I am continuing to get my certification, because apparently you must be a certified teacher in order to be a School Media Specialist in SC and most of the US. So once again, this is me, night after night, lecture after lecture, one sleepy eye after the other....

Both summer sessions as well as the coming fall semester, one will find me sitting on my bed, in front of my Mac and trying to watch, pay attention, and focus on the education classes at hand. After those are finished, I can actually do my internships and get some on-the-job training, if you will.

As the night wears on...
I fade....
just as I do as I realize just how much MORE time stands between me....
and obtaining certification.

What a small price to pay for fulfilling your dreams, right?

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